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Some Hospitals still require Proof of Vaccination Status

70 views • Aug 11, 2022


There are now an abundance of resources and data demonstrating beyond a doubt that there is no advantage to the vaccines with respect to protection against infection, reinfection or transmission of Covid-19. In fact, to the contrary, current data has begun to demonstrate a negative efficacy and mounting evidence of potential vaccine injury to all ages. Despite this growing evidence, some Hospitals within Canada are still enforcing a requirement for up-to-date vaccination status, with proof, for anyone hoping to attend a sick relative in the treatment facilities, hospitals and care homes in these areas. In some cases, this is further enforced by the requirement for current PCR test results. While many believe that these rules have begun to dissipate, as they try to go on with their lives, hundreds of Canadian families are being prevented from attending their loved ones during birth, emergency treatment, recovery and palliative care. With all the evidence available, it's astonishing that these Hospitals would rather choose to trample on citizens guaranteed rights as opposed to taking a good hard look at what the numbers are saying. It's even more disturbing that those in the healthcare field won't advocate for loved ones to be with family members during birth, and most importantly for the last moments of someone’s life. It's apparent that the Hippocratic Oath, is just a bunch of words to some of those in healthcare.

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