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Video search

Find the moment you're looking for

Have your videos automatically analyzed and labelled by our AI. Easily search and find people, words, objects, text, actions, sounds, and jump to the second when they happen. player embedded on a website, displayed on 3 different devices player with an embed modal overlayed

Save time and get to what matters

Instantly find the moments you're looking for, instead of manually browsing through hours of video. Our Live Search provides results as you type, and lets you combine keywords and dimensions to get fine-grained results.

A new way to watch video

Dive into your videos with our automatically generated Insights panel. Follow the transcript, see who shows up and when, find the exact scene you're looking for, and more. player embedded on a website, displayed on 3 different devices player controls

Label & edit,
but only if you want to

Use advanced tools to add a human touch to your videos' Insights. Edit the transcript, label and give custom names to people, objects, text, actions or sounds, all without leaving the player page, on any device.

Get started with video search