Police on Guard

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Pastor Pawlowski Interview

476 views • Aug 5, 2022


Police on Guard had the pleasure of interviewing Pastor Artur Pawlowski to get an in-detail testimony about all that he experienced as the result of the Covid measures and the unconstitutional arrests and actions against him over the last two years. A recent court ruling vindicated Pastor Pawlowski and the details leading up to this ruling serve as a canary in the coal mine to all Canadians. It is also a reminder that these unconstitutional mandates are being overturned by relying on rights guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Watch the interview to see what lengths these unconstitutional measures and those enforcing them went to, to punitively punish a Pastor, for simply trying to serve his community and his God. We had the pleasure of interviewing Pastor Artur Pawlowski to hear his testimony about all that he experienced these last few years. A recent court ruling vindicated Pastor Pawlowski and a reminder that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms still stands.

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