Police on Guard

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Dr. Shoemaker's Call to Action Regarding Covid Vaccine for Children

2 529 views • Aug 21, 2022


CALL TO ACTION TO ALL CANADIANS! Canada is at an important juncture. As our government continues to push vaccines for children 18 and under, the country of Denmark has banned them for the same age demographic as of September 1, 2022. Dr Chris Shoemaker is leading the charge. Watch his attached video outlining how. Dr. Shoemaker will begin his 10-day journey and vigil on Thursday Aug. 25th, - Aug. 29th, 2022, inclusive at Old City Hall Toronto, 60 Queen Street West, from noon to 6:00 pm. He will then be moving to high visibility locations around Toronto Aug 30th – Sept 3rd. Those locations will be released on Aug 29th via social media from Police on Guard and Mama Bears. Let’s come together as Canadians and support him and his important message. The goal is to have September 3rd as a huge day of support and awareness in downtown Toronto. If you are a doctor, nurse or in any capacity of healthcare, we strongly encourage you to join him as he peacefully stands for his message. We also welcome those impacted and injured by the vaccine to join him. Dr. Shoemaker welcomes all media to attend every day at 2pm at his daily press conference to get more on the story.

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