Police on Guard

Joined July 2021
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23 viewsDec 18, 2023


These last 3 years has brought many changes to the lives of Canadians. Seeing our governments act in ways that outright ignore the foundations of law, has brought many brave police officers out of their comfort zones to stand for the oaths they swore to uphold. This is how Police On Guard was born. We were joined in our mission by members of the Military, Canada Border Services Agency, Correctional Services and Fire Fighters Our work is not yet done. We hope in the years to come, you will help us in holding our governments accountable, and encourage our police to remember that their Oath to uphold the rights of the people comes first. Anything short of this is a dangerous proposition with many ramifications. We encourage our fellow Canadians to continue to do the right thing, even when no one is looking. And to always “Stand On Guard For Thee” Happy 3rd Anniversary from your Police On Guard Family

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