Police on Guard

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Emergency Act Inquiry - Let's Pay Attention

608 views • Oct 18, 2022


Hear what Danny Bulford, a member of ours and one of the leaders of Mounties 4 Freedom, has to say regarding the importance of the Emergency Act Inquiry. We were there for the majority of the convoy, as were many of you. We were boots on the ground and saw the truth of what was happening. This is an opportunity to ensure our voices are heard and to put pressure on the Government to acknowledge the Rights and Freedoms they've stripped from so many of us during the last few years. It's time they are held accountable. Let's ensure they are by showing up during this inquiry. Here are some important links; https://publicorderemergencycommission.ca/public-hearings/ http://convoylive.com https://www.opc-cpo.ca

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