Casting to a remote device
As we say on DomainSherpa – all roads lead to domains. And this is a show related to domains called “Off The Market Forever”, starring Chris Zuiker, Matthew Zuiker, and James Iles! In this show we focus on the domain space from the lens of end-user acquisitions and upgrades, from the perspective of the best domain brokers in the world and one of top journalists in the space – all who have unique insight and knowledge of the industry and domains as they relate to end-users.
In this episode, the Sherpas interview Andrew Gazdecki of MicroAcquire to discuss his journey creating his startup and what led to the upgrade and acquisition of the ultra-premium domain name. Andrew gives great insight into what led to the decision to acquire the domain, how he obtained the domain through a broker, and how much he paid for it. His story is another testament as to why it’s important for a company to lock up its exact-match domain name before it is “Off The Market Forever”! The Sherpas are also joined for the first time by broker, Matthew Zuiker.
So be sure to tune in!
And be sure to check out the MicroAcquire’s “sister site” referenced in this episode,, which is full of practical advice from bootstrapped founders to help you build, scale, and grow a business!
0:00 - Introduction
1:29 - Episode begins with the #GrandOpening
2:25 - JT gives out his AKAs to the Sherpas
5:33:01 - #SpecialGuest Andrew Gazdecki is introduced and discusses why he started #MicroAcquire
9:11 - Andrew gives insight into the journey and beginning of MicroAquire
10:25 - James wonders if in terms of #customeracquisition, is it more referral-based
12:00 - Andrew talks about how #HooteSuite was their first paying customer and their process of positive gatekeeping on their #website
17:32 - Chris asks Andrew to walk the #Sherpas through the #branding of MicroAcquire and how it led to conversations to upgrade to the #premiumdomain,
22:02 - Andrew discusses how competitors are differentiated by #brand and why branding is so important in a crowded field
25:19 - JT dives into the transparency of the #domainspace
32:47 - #MediaOptions sponsor break
33:17 - Andrew walks the Sherpas through the process of acquiring the #domainname and his experience on using a #domainbroker
39:55 - Chris asks Andrew when was the pivotal moment that he knew he needed the #domainupgrade
47:56 - The Sherpas dive into how the recession has impacted startup acquisitions
and how it has led to sellers using more realistic asking prices
53:45 - Andrew discusses MicroAcquire's "sister site",
Check out for more info (watch the full episode here
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Jonathan Tenenbaum:
Chris Zuiker:
James Iles:
Matthew Zuiker:
Andrew Gazdecki:
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