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Then They Came for the Canadians - Part 2
Thank you to all of the presenters that participated on our event, Then They Came for the Canadians Part 2.
Here is the full conference recording. It was a great success with so much amazing information from some of Canada's top Doctors speaking out on Covid as well as those who have been injured from the vaccine .
Here is the list of presenters;
Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker M.D.
Dr. Crystal Luchkiw M.D.
Dr. Stephen Malthouse M.D.
Dr. Trozzi M.D.
Dr. Rochagne Kilian M.D.
Dr. Holly Fourchalk, Ph.D., DNM®, RHT, MH, HT
Dr. Charles Hoffe M.D.
Bri Dressen, who testified in the halls of the US Congress regarding her vaccine injury and other vaccine injured testimonials
Then They Came for the Canadians - Part 2
Thank you to all of the presenters that participated on our event, Then They Came for the Canadians Part 2.
Here is the full conference recording. It was a great success with so much amazing information from some of Canada's top Doctors speaking out on Covid as well as those who have been injured from the vaccine .
Here is the list of presenters;
Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker M.D.
Dr. Crystal Luchkiw M.D.
Dr. Stephen Malthouse M.D.
Dr. Trozzi M.D.
Dr. Rochagne Kilian M.D.
Dr. Holly Fourchalk, Ph.D., DNM®, RHT, MH, HT
Dr. Charles Hoffe M.D.
Bri Dressen, who testified in the halls of the US Congress regarding her vaccine injury and other vaccine injured testimonials
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