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Why is #JamesTopp still marching? Why did #CanadaMarches team sent 428 letters to all the members of parliament, including sitting senators? It is because members of Canadian Armed Forces are still being disproportionately affected by federal government mandates.
Please visit canadamarches.ca (http://canadamarches.ca/) to learn more and share and tag #CanadaMarchesSupportTheTroops to bring awareness to this issue.
Why is #JamesTopp still marching? Why did #CanadaMarches team sent 428 letters to all the members of parliament, including sitting senators? It is because members of Canadian Armed Forces are still being disproportionately affected by federal government mandates.
Please visit canadamarches.ca (http://canadamarches.ca/) to learn more and share and tag #CanadaMarchesSupportTheTroops to bring awareness to this issue.
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