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Artificial Intelligence

How our machines see inside video

Enjoy memory-like video search and navigation. Built for you, our video platform is powered by an advanced AI created to see the world as humans do.

Illustration of a perceptron

To understand video, our machines extract the sound and the image into separate streams. Then they apply a myriad of transformations and filters to enable efficient analysis of the content.

This data is then distributed to a number of modules that perform fine-grained predictions in the dimensions of sound, image, and motion.

Finally, these predictions are then shared with a higher-order system that correlates and coalesces them into human readable concepts ready for indexing.


Sounds result from natural recurring vibrations or collisions. Sounds can also be biologically generated for communication or navigation. They can now be artificially synthetized to convey a particular emotions or concepts.

Our Artificial Intelligence is designed to distinguish and index on all these variations including human speech.


Images comprise colors distributed in a two-dimensional space. These colors result from radiations that are emitted, reflected, absorbed, and combined into blobs that can represent natural recurring patterns, biological forms, or synthetic shapes.

We employ a range of Computer Vision techniques to categorize these impressions.


Certain movements induce changes in colors being emitted, or reflected. When these changes follow distinctive paths, it is likely that specific movements are taking place.

When combined with detected sounds and objects/persons, these can describe highly elaborate actions that our machines are able detect and index on.


Sounds, images, motions, and even words can have very diverse meanings in different contexts.

For this reason, our Artificial Intelligence employs a hyper-dimensional concept map to relate, contextualize, and disambiguate what it perceives.

Advanced AI at your service