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Video player

The best player is also the fastest

Embed your video on any website with the most powerful HTML5 player on the web. 4k adaptive player with an embed modal overlayed

Embedding, made easy

Embed videos anywhere on the web, no coding experience required. Our out-of-the-box solution works for people of any skill level.

Customize your player in the user interface, or dive into our API for even more flexibility.
and more.

Look your best,
on every device

Our beautiful, responsive HTML5 player ensures your videos look great anywhere on the web, no matter what device your viewers are using. 4k adaptive player embedded on a website, displayed on 3 different devices 4k adaptive player controls

Power to the user

Let your audience choose how to watch your content with automatic subtitles, playback speed and resolution controls, including 4K and beyond. player call-to-action

Engage your audience with custom call-to-action screens

Add interactive screens to your videos, include relevant links and more, wherever your video is being watched.

Video chapters, for everyone's convenience

Easily split your videos into sections, allowing your viewers to navigate with context, rewatch segments, or skip to the beginning of new ones. player chapters

Built for everyone

Get started with the player of the future